Science & RegulatioN
There are many different career paths that come under science and regulation. At the end of the day, the effectiveness, safety, and growth of our seafood industry relies on good science hand in hand with good regulation. There are many different organisations operating within this space offering positions both in the field and within office spaces.
Within Tasmania almost all regulation around the seafood industry is set by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) and by the Environment Protection Authority Tasmania (EPA Tas). The work conducted by these organisations relies heavily on research conducted by University of Tasmania (UTAS) through the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS).
Tasmania also houses research institutes such as the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD).
Independent consulting businesses also work in the science and regulation space and provide advice and expertise to businesses around environmental management and impacts. Many consultants in the marine space hold science qualifications.
The Department of Health is also involved in regulation of the seafood industry, as the governing body for food safety.
Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water, and Environment
Biosecurity Tasmania also falls within DPIPWE, including the Shellfish Market Access Program (ShellMAP). ShellMAP focuses on shellfish quality assurance, industry development, and operational services including assistance with biotoxin and chemical testing.
For anyone undertaking or about to undertake study in people management at UTAS, there is the Cadetship Program within DPIPWE.
Environmental Protection Authority
Department of Health – Food Safety
University of Tasmania, and Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies
Research at IMAS spans three key themes:
o fisheries and aquaculture
o ecology and biodiversity
o oceans and cryosphere
Australian Antarctic Division
Science conducted through the Australian Antarctic Program has several main outcomes, including supporting valuable Australian commercial operations and opportunities such as sustainable fishing within the Antarctic Treaty system’s governance framework.
Learn about careers in each sector